Airtac International Group
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  • Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System.

    AirTAC places great importance on the intellectual property. To strengthen employee’s awareness of intellectual property and ensure that employee’s behavior aligns with intellectual property regulations, we have established Intellectual Property Management System to protect the rights and interests of the company and avoid infringing on the rights of others. We enhance our overall competitiveness through continuous trademark management. This is in line with our code of corporate governance, with the goal of achieving sustainable business growth and the long-term vision of the company.

    Intellectual Property Management Policy and Goals.

    1. Intellectual Property Management Policy:

    (1) Strengthen the protection and management of the intellectual property rights to prevent others from misappropriating the company’s intellectual property and damaging the company’s goodwill.

    (2) Enhance awareness of intellectual property rights management among all employees.

    (3) Strengthen brand recognition.

    (4) Protect the research and development achievements and commercial interests.

    (5) Manage trademarks and patents to protect the company’s rights and maintain the competitive advantage.

    (6) Continuously optimize the relevant regulations and the required resources of intellectual property management.

    (7) Attract excellent and innovative talents to enhance the intellectual property capabilities.

    2. Intellectual Property Management Goals:

    (1) Promote at least 2 intellectual property education and training sessions internally.

    (2) Deploy an analysis of trademark registration statuses across various countries to enhance the global strategy, and initiate at least two trademark registration applications.

    (3) Achieve TIPS A-level certification. (introductory certification).

    Intellectual Property Risks and Countermeasures.

    Considering the internal and external issues that affect intellectual property and Intellectual Property Management system, as well as the expectations of stakeholders’ concerning for the development and effective management of intellectual property. AirTAC has identified and confirmed the risks and opportunities that need to be addressed and relevant countermeasures have been established. The intellectual property management system promotion team holds an annual intellectual property management review meeting every year to assess changes in the internal and external environment and the effectiveness of the intellectual property management system. This allows us continuous adjustments and improvements to protect the interests of stakeholders. The following measures have been implemented to mitigate potential intellectual property risks:

    1. Continuous strengthening of employee’s basic awareness of intellectual property:

    In order to enhance the protection of intellectual property rights, the HR department organizes annual intellectual property education and training to strengthen basic understanding of intellectual property.

    2. Deployment of trademark management:

    To protect the company’s intellectual property rights and brand, we implement a global trademark strategy to ensure legal protection for the innovations and brand.

    3. Implement intellectual property management:

    Established intellectual property management promotion team, and we use the "PDCA cycle" as the foundation to create a systematic management system that connection intellectual property management with business goals. Based on the "Intellectual Property Management Manual", we have set management objectives for the acquisition, protection, maintenance, and utilization of the company’s intellectual property.

    Implementation Status and Results

    1.2024 Taiwan AirTAC Intellectual Property Management activities:



    Implementation Status


    Plan preparatory work for TIPS (A-level) certification in 2024.

    TIPS (A-level) introduction meeting was held on April 3, 2024.


    Institute or revise internal company regulations related to intellectual property management.

    Regulations related to intellectual property management were instituted and published in May 2024, including: the IP management manual, trademark management procedures, internal audit implementation procedures for IP management system, IP dispute resolution procedures, corrective action management procedures for IP, confidential information management procedures.
    Revised: HR management procedures.


    Provide education and training to employees within the intellectual property management team to enhance their intellectual property management capabilities.

    In May 2024, relevant personnel participated TIPS responsibility training for 2 hours and completed an exam.

    In June 2024, relevant personnel participated basic TIPS training for 2 hours and completed an exam.


    Review the trademark registration status in various countries and submit two trademark registration applications.

    More than two trademark registration applications have been submitted.

    2.Deployment of global trademark and patent portfolio result:

    Up until December 2024, 253 approved patents have been accumulated (including: invention patent, utility model patent and design patent). Additionally, 146 approved and valid trademarks have been accumulated globally. (throughout 33 countries)

    3.Certification Achieved

    We passed the Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System (TIPS) A-level certification. The certificate is valid until December 31, 2025.

    4.We regularly report intellectual Property Matters to the board of directors. The latest report was presented on November 8, 2024.