Airtac International Group
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  • The company abide by applicable environmental laws and regulations as well as related international standards and protect the natural environment accordingly. We strive for environmental sustainability when carrying out operating activities and internal management.

    Environmental Management System

    1.Collect sufficient and timely information and evaluate the impact on the natural environment posed by operating activities.

    2.Establish measurable environmental sustainability goals and regularly review the sustainability and relevance of their development.

    3.Establish execution measures including specific plans or action programs and regularly review the effectiveness of the implementations.

    4.We have established a dedicated environmental management unit and personnel to formulate, promote, and maintain the applicable environmental management system and specific action programs. Environmental education courses are also regularly organized for management and employees.

    Environmental Protection Management Measures and Management Objectives


    Management Measures

    Management Objectives

    Energy Management

    1. Carried out the improvement and maintenance of the air compressor pipeline.

    2. An inspection of the electrical machinery was carried out which resulted in low-efficient air compressors being eliminated.

    3. Installed solar panel for power generation.

    4. The product is as lightweight as possible to reduce energy consumption.

    1. Energy intensity (energy use/ production value) reduce year by year.

    2. Enhance the proportion of solar power generation to the power consumption of the whole plant.

    3. The product is lightweight to reduce volume, save space and reduce energy consumption.

    Water Resources Management

    1. Installation of recovery equipment for process cleaning water and rainwater recycling and storage systems.

    2. Wastewater from machine cleaning reused in the vibration cleaning process after being treated at the wastewater station.

    3. Boiler steam condensate partially reused in the boiler room for recycling.

    AirTAC Taiwan, AirTAC Ningbo and AirTAC Guangdong respectively set water-saving targets to reduce water consumption by 15%, 20% and 10% compared to 2021 for each additional 10,000 yuan of sales output value in 2025.

    Pollutants Management

    1. Thoroughly implement pollution control throughout the entire production process, implement management of pollutant discharge reaching standards and total pollutant control. AirTAC has plant environmental monitoring and inspection management practices in place.

    2. Daily environmental monitoring is mainly for wastewater, rainwater, river water and waste gas treatment facilities.

    3. All devices are equipped with appropriate treatment equipment, such as devices that release oil mist exhaust are equipped with oil mist filtration; devices that release dust exhaust are equipped with a dust collector; devices that release exhaust from the surface treatment process are equipped with an exhaust purification system.

    Reduce the discharge of pollutants and waste year by year.

    Waste Management

    1. Waste oil is distilled and reused as fuel oil, and scrap iron is recycled and reused.

    2. Purchased equipment for recycling to reduce waste output.

    3. Researching the utilization of renewable raw materials to reduce consumption during the production process through reusing semi-finished products including metal, plastic, rubber, and reused packaging materials (such as paper and wood).

    1. Reduce waste output year by year.

    2. Enhance the proportion of waste recycling and reuse year by year.

    Implementation Results

    1. Reaching 100% flue gas discharge rate standard.

    2. Solar power will account for about 5% of the power consumption of the whole plant.

    3. AirTAC has not suffered losses due to violations of environmental rules.

    4. The amount of greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and total weight of waste in the past two years, and explains the measures to achieve the goals such as greenhouse gas reduction, water reduction or other waste management policies and the status of achievement, please refer to the corporate sustainability report.